E-Learning – Short Course – Managing Conflict
Nobody likes conflict, but from time to time it happens. Equip your staff with the skills and confidence to effectively manage conflict situations. The course can be completed online in just 30 minutes.
Conflict in the workplace is destructive and detrimental to all stakeholders. It can leave disengaged employees, unhappy customers and reputational damage.
Unfortunately, from time to time, we all find ourselves in a conflict situation. Knowing how to effectively and confidently diffuse such situations is vital to reduce the risk of threatening or abusive behaviour in the workplace.
Effective conflict management can improve engagement amongst employees, ensure that customer experience is not tarnished, and create better relationships, both internally and with customers, that result in a more talented, productive workforce.

The Course
The Highfield e-learning Short Course in Managing Conflict is designed to equip your organisation with the skills and confidence to effectively handle conflict situations.
Learners on the course will understand what workplace conflict is, suitable responses to conflict, cultural differences and different ego types. It will equip learner’s with the knowledge around breakdowns in communication, the behavioural cycle and patterns of behaviour. The course also covers the various models and techniques that can be utilised to effectively manage conflict, and provides learners with an awareness of the potential damage conflict can cause.
Areas Covered
- What is workplace conflict?
- Responses to conflict
- Cultural differences
- Different ego types
- Breakdowns in communication
- The behavioural cycle
- The PEACE model
- Conflict with customers
- The HEAT technique
- Patterns of behaviour
- Distance zones
- Physical conflict warning and danger zones
- Impact factors
- The BAP strategy
Who Is It Aimed At?
Highfield e-learning’s Short Course in Managing Conflict is ideal for all levels of employee within a business and as part of the induction process for new employees.
The course is also ideal for use as part of the on-programme element of the new apprenticeship standards and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace.
No prior knowledge needed.
Typical Duration
20 – 40 minutes.
How It Works
Our e-learning is available to use on multiple platforms such as tablets, PCs and laptops. All you need is an internet connection. Learners simply log on to the Highfield Learner Management System (LMS) and work their way through the course, along with the scenarios that provide them with real-life context.
Learners are assessed at the end of the course by multiple-choice questions.
Learners will receive a Highfield e-learning completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course.
What is the cost?
This E-Learning Course is priced at £12.50 per learner.
How to enrol
To enrol, please contact us directly to book your place.
Contact us through out website: here
Email: info@hawkhilltraining.co.uk
Phone: 07858 415722
We will require some information from you as part to of our booking on process (first name, surname, email address).
You may be required to submit photographic ID to us for eligibility purposes (example: proof of age for specific courses).