ITA Eligibility

To be accepted for funding through Skills Development Scotland’s Individual Training Accounts (ITA), evidence must be provided to Skills Development Scotland’s Lifelong Learning and Employability. Evidence must be provided as part of the Booking Process in order to validate and secure a candidate’s space on a course.
It is the responsibility of the Training Centre (Hawkhill Training Services) to validate that learners applying through ITA Funding meet the funding eligibility set out by SDS. We do this by requesting evidence from candidates which must be provided upon submission of an application for ITA Funding
Evidence Provided must be:
- original documents, or
- copies that are signed, valid and legible.
You will not be eligible for ITA Funding if you are:
- in school
- in further or higher education
- participating in training funded by Community Jobs Scotland or Skills Development Scotland (including Modern Apprenticeship training, Employability Fund training or Work Able Scotland training).
If you are currently in work, you must show that your income does not exceed £22,000 a year. This can be evidenced by means of:
- valid P60 form (year end tax certificate) from HMRC or;
- three most recent payslips
If you are self-employed, you must show that your income for the previous year did not exceed £22,000. This can be evidenced by means of:
- a clear and valid copy of your HMRC tax return, or
- a clear and valid copy of an SA302 given to you by HMRC
If you receive benefits, you could be eligible if you receive certain qualifying benefits. These are:
- Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Invalid Care Allowance
- Incapacity Benefit
- Child Tax Credit
- Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Universal Credit.
This can be evidenced by means of:
- a clear and valid copy of letter from the Department for Work and Pensions, dated no earlier than three months before the date of booking the course
- a legible screenshot of your latest payment through Univeral Credit, which must show your full name, address and payment amount.
If you are not in receipt of benefits, unemployment or are self-employed you must complete a null status declaration form, which must be signed and dated.
Evidence to support your ITA Funding Application can be provided to our Training Centre by the following methods:
- In person – by bringing with you, original copies of the evidence listed above to our Training Centre located at 33 Hawkhill, Dundee, DD1 5DH.
Please ensure you bring photographic ID with you.- Your evidence and ID will be photocopied, and you will be required to sign and date each page individually.
- These will then be countersigned by the Trainer
- These will then be uploaded to Skills Development Scotland as part of the Proof of Income requirement (POI)
- By email – Provide your Proof of Income evidence by email by sending scanned copies to or the trainer should they contact you requesting proof.
- Your email must include
- Your full name
- Your National Insurance Number
- Contact Telephone Number
- A scanned copy of your Photographic ID
- A scanned copy of your Evidence to support your Proof of Earnings (POI)
- Your email must include