You can view our policies below.

Hawkhill Training Services
Health & Safety Policy Statement
In accordance with its duty under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and in fulfilling its obligations to both employees and the public who may be affected by its activities, the Directors of Hawkhill Training Services produced the following statement of policy in respect of health and safety. The company accepts its responsibilities towards its employees and any other person who may be affected by the work undertaken by the Company.
It is our aim to achieve a working environment, which is free of work related accidents and ill health and to this end we will pursue and implement continuous improvement from year to year.
We undertake to discharge our statutory duties by:
- Identifying hazards in the workplace, assessing the risks related to them and implementing appropriate preventive and protective measures
- Providing and maintaining safe work equipment
- Establishing and enforcing safe methods of work
- Recruiting and appointing personnel who have the skills, abilities and competence commensurate with their role and level of responsibility
- Ensuring that tasks given to employees are within their skills, knowledge an ability to perform
- Ensuing that technical competence is maintained through the provision of refresher training as appropriate
- Promoting awareness of health and safety and of good practice through the effective communication of relevant information
- Providing necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to employees and others, including temporary staff to ensure their competence with respect to health and safety
- Providing a working environment that is safe and without risk to health together with suitable welfare facilities
- Ensuring the correct use, handling, storage and transport of substances and articles at work that are safe and without risk to health
- Ensuring that there are arrangements put into place for the effective planning development and review of this policy statement
- Ensuring that appropriate systems are developed and maintained for the effective communication of health and safety matters throughout the organisation
- Devoting the necessary resources in the form of finance, equipment, personnel and time to ensure health and safety
- Liaising and working with all necessary persons to ensure adequate health and safety arrangements for all visitors
- Recognising that safety is the responsibility of everyone within the organisation. Managers will have specific duties and responsibilities to comply with the letter and spirit of company policy. Employees will have specific responsibilities to take reasonable care of themselves and others who could be affected by their activities and to co-operate with management in achieving the standards required. The company will ensure that health and safety management is an integral part of the managers function and will monitor their performance along with other duties
- To ensure a process and system to ensure that accidents and “near misses” are fully investigated and appropriate action taken to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence
All employees are advised that it is an offence for any person to recklessly or intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided in the furtherance of health and safety or welfare.
Any such act is a criminal offence that can result in the prosecution of the practice and/or the employee with heavy penalties upon conviction.
A copy of this policy has been made available to all personnel as a reference at the workplace of the practice.
The management of Hawkhill Training Services will provide every employee with the training necessary to carry out his or her tasks safely. However if an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job then it is the employee’s duty to report this to their Manager.
Activities undertaken by personnel employed by Hawkhill Training Services will be monitored to ensure compliance with recommended safe working practices and relevant health and safety legislation.
Competent persons are employed in this business to assist in the management of health and safety where required and external training advisors are engaged to provide competent support to enable the business to fulfil its duties.
All injuries sustained by a person at work must be reported to a manager immediately. Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore by accurate and comprehensive. Hawkhill Training Services health and safety policy will be reviewed annually and amended as required to account for new legislation and improved working practices.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with responsibilities, procedures and applicable safe systems of work.
This statement will be displayed in a prominent position at all venues and sites with full details of the organisation and arrangements for implementing the policy will be available to all employees for reference.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Key elements in our equal opportunities policy include:
- a statement of intent, including aim and objective of the policy
- who the policy applies to (scope)
- outline of specific commitments/ actions which will be undertaken
- how the policy will be implemented and who is responsible
- monitoring and review
- how complaints will be dealt with
The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of the Company and members to the promotion of equality of opportunity in EN Recruitment Services Ltd, Dundee.
It is our policy to provide equality of membership to all, irrespective of:
- gender, including gender reassignment
- marital or civil partnership status
- having or not having dependents
- religious belief or political opinion
- race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, being an Irish traveller)
- disability
- sexual orientation
- age
We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All members of the organisation will be treated fairly and will not be discriminated against on any of the above grounds. Decisions on membership, selection for office, training or any other benefit will be made objectively, without unlawful discrimination, and based on aptitude and ability.
We recognise that the provision of equal opportunities in all our activities will benefit the organisation. Our equal opportunities policy will help members to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the members will be utilised fully to maximise the effectiveness of the organisation.
EN Recruitment Services Ltd, recognises that there is a statutory duty under the NI Act 1998, to implement an equal opportunities policy. This policy applies to applicants for employment, volunteers and members of the group alike.
EN Recruitment Services Ltd is committed to the principles and practice of Equality. EN Recruitment Services Ltd values the diversity of the local population. We want our services, facilities and resources to be accessible and useful to every citizen regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other individual characteristic which may unfairly affect a person’s opportunities in life.
Equality Commitments
We are committed to:
- promoting equality of opportunity for all persons
- promoting a good and harmonious learning environment in which all men and women are treated with respect and dignity and in which no form of intimidation or harassment is tolerated
- preventing occurrences of unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- fulfilling all our legal obligations under the equality legislation and associated codes of practice
- complying with our own equal opportunities policy and associated policies
- taking lawful affirmative or positive action, where appropriate
- breaches of our equal opportunities policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to termination of membership
This policy is fully supported by the Chair and the Directors and was adopted by them in October 2008.
The Chair or the Directors have specific responsibility for the effective implementation of this policy. We expect all members to abide by the policy and help to create the equality environment which is its objective.
In order to implement this policy we shall:
- Communicate the policy to members by issuing an induction pamphlet to all existing, and new members
- EN Recruitment Services Ltd will endeavour through appropriate training to ensure that it will not consciously, or unconsciously discriminate in the selection or recruitment of applicants for membership of the group
- Incorporate specific and appropriate duties in respect of implementing the equal opportunities policy into roles and responsibilities of committee members
- Incorporate equal opportunities notices into general communications practices (e.g. announcements, annual report at annual general meeting, notices and newsletters). This policy will be read out to all members at each annual general meeting
- Ensure that adequate resources are made available to fulfil the objectives of the policy
Monitoring and review
We will establish appropriate information and monitoring systems to assist the effective implementation of our equal opportunities policy. The effectiveness of the equal opportunities policy will be reviewed regularly (at least annually) and action taken as necessary.
Members who believe that they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation are entitled to raise the matter through the agreed procedures. A copy of these procedures is available from Elaine Nicoll (Director). All complaints of discrimination will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially.
Every effort will be made to ensure that members who make complaints will not be victimised. Any complaint of victimisation will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially. Victimisation will result in disciplinary action and may warrant dismissal.
Complaints from members of the public will be dealt with under agreed procedures (a copy of these procedures is available from Elaine Nicoll
All candidates will be given equal opportunity for assessment as outlined in our Procedures for Assessment Arrangement Form.
This procedure describes the handling of customer complaints.
2.1 The General Manager has overall responsibility for the Complaints Procedure and determining the appropriate course of action.
2.2 Office Personnel or other staff receiving a complaint are responsible for recording details, to be forwarded to the General Manager(s).
2.3 If a learner remains dissatisfied with the outcome of any complaint, they can escalate their complaint to Highfield Qualifications directly.
2.4 If a learner remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the escalation to Highfield Qualifications, they can further escalate their complaint to SQA Accreditation as the qualification regulator.
2.5 If a learner remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the escalation to the qualification regulator, they can further escalate the matter to the SPSO (Home | SPSO)
3.1 In the context of this Procedure “CANDIDATE COMPLAINTS” may include all types of candidate communication expressing dissatisfaction with the services.
3.2 It is the Company’s policy to respond with urgency to all complaints. There for the CANDIDATE shall be advised of actions to be taken within 24hrs.
The procedure covers the following principle stages:-
i) Receipt and Recording. ii) Registration. iii) Investigation and Resolution. iv) Completion.
4.1 Receipt and Recordings.
4.1.1 CANDIDATES may contact the Company to complain in a variety of ways:
Telephone: 01382 322330
By post: 33 Hawkhill, Dundee, DD1 1DH
E-mail: info@hawkhilltraining.co.uk
Or by visiting the training Centre at the above address.
4.1.2 Office Personnel receiving the Complaint must record the following customer details on a SF011 Complaint Form:-
i) Name (Person and Company)
ii) Address.
iii) Telephone number.
iv) File number, as applicable
v) Customer order number (If appropriate to the complaint).
vi) Invoice number (If appropriate to the complaint). vii) Course title and date viii) Date complaint received.
4.1.3 Indicate the nature of the Complaint in Section (1) by ticking the appropriate box. (Alternatively record brief details of the complaint).
4.1.4 Sign at the foot of Section (1) of the Complaint Report.
4.1.5 Give the Complaint Report to the General Manager with the Candidate’s letter or fax e-mail attached.
4.2 Registration. (By Centre Co-Ordinator)
4.2.1 Enter complaint report in the Complaint Register, and allocate the next sequential complaint number.
4.2.2 Record the number on the Complaint Report.
4.3 Discussion. (By General Manager)
4.3.1 Discuss the problem with the appropriate Personnel.
4.3.2 Agree a course of action to investigate and resolve the complaint.
4.3.3 Record the details of action required in Section (2) of the Complaint Report.
4.3.4 If appropriate, contact customer by telephone or letter e-mail detailing proposed course of action.
4.3.5 Instruct the appropriate Personnel to carry out any investigation or take action to resolve the Complaint.
4.3.6 File the copy of the Complaint Report, until the action is resolved.
4.4 Investigation and Resolution (By Training Manager)
4.4.1 The person instructed to investigate, or to resolve a Customer complaint must take action promptly.
4.4.2 If required action is to carry out an investigation
i) Discuss findings with General Manager.
ii) Carry out further action as agreed to resolve the problem.
4.4.3 If the investigation shows the complaint is not justified:-
i) The General Manager or nominated Personnel, contact the customer by telephone or confirms in e-mail or writing the judgement of the investigation.
4.4.4 If required action is to rectify the problem:-
i) Carry out necessary action.
ii) Record the confirmation of completion on complaint report.
iii) Sign the complaint report.
4.5 Completion (by Centre Co-Ordinator)
4.5.1 Contact the Candidate by letter, e-mail or telephone, as appropriate, to confirm the satisfactory resolution of the complaint.
4.5.2 If the Candidate is dissatisfied, take further appropriate action to resolve the problem.
4.5.3 Record the Candidate’s satisfaction by a tick, in the appropriate box.
4.5.4 Sign off the Complaint Report.
4.4.5 List for subsequent discussion at the next Management review meeting.
4.5.6 Close off details in Complaint Register.
4.5.7 File original complaint report.
To provide an appeals procedure to ensure that all company policies and procedures are applied fairly and consistently to all students.
The General Manager is responsible for the management of this policy.
All members of staff and students are responsible for the effective operation and implementation of the Policy. The General Manager is responsible for its operation, evaluation and review.
Where required a member of staff will be appointed to undertake the roll of The Student Services Manager and shall be responsible for the advocacy and support of the student.
3.2 Student Appeals Against Assessment Decisions:
3.2.1 This section of the appeals procedure deals with students right to appeal against the decisions relating to Assessment results.
3.2.2 Stage 1: Any appeals shall be initially dealt with by the Assessor where the student has concerns about the assessment. This stage will normally be completed within five working days of any appeal. Where the matter has been discussed and the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the matter shall then be progressed to Stage 2.
3.2.3 Stage 2: Where no satisfactory outcome has been achieved at the Stage 1 appeal, the student and assessor should refer the matter to the Internal Verifier for conciliation and meditation. This stage of the procedure should be completed within five days from the matter being brought to the attention of the Internal Verifier. Where the matter has been resolved by discussion and the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the matter shall then be progressed to Stage 3.
3.2.4 Stage 3: Where no satisfactory outcome has been achieved at the Stage 1 and 2, the student and Internal Verifier should refer the matter to the Head of Centre for conciliation meditation. This stage of the procedure should be completed within five days from the matter being brought to the attention of the Head of Centre. Where the matter has been resolved by discussion and the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the matter shall then be progressed to Stage 4.
If candidates are undertaking non-regulated qualifications (HNs, SQA Advanced
Certificate/Diplomas, NQs), they have no further right of appeal against internal assessment
decisions. The final decision rests with your centre. SQA will not accept internal assessment appeals.
3.1.5 A written record of the appeal hearing through all stages shall be kept.
Escalation of appeals
If you have gone through all the stages of EN Recruitment Ltd t/a Hawkhill Training Services Ltd internal assessment appeals procedure and remain dissatisfied with the outcome or the way in which we handled your appeal, you can:
• appeal to SQA or Highfield Qualifications as appropriate (the awarding body)
• appeal to SQA Accreditation or Ofqual if you feel that the centre and/or SQA/HABC (the awarding body) has not dealt with your appeal appropriately SQA Accreditation or Ofqual cannot overturn assessment decisions or academic judgements but may investigate the effectiveness of our and/or SQA’s appeals process and require corrective action.
3.1.6 In the case of an appeal to Highfield Qualifications against an internal assessment result in a regulated qualification, our centre will retain records (including all materials and candidate evidence) until the appeal has been resolved. Thereafter, assessment and internal verification records for appeals cases will be retained for six years